Author Guide

ColomboArts Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities accepts research papers from all areas of Social Sciences and Humanities. Papers are expected to conform to a high standard of academic rigor, scholarship and writing. Papers should be written according to the following guidelines.
1) Abstract

A. Should include research problem, methodology, major findings in brief
B. Font size 10/ single spaced/ Times New Roman/ in italics
C. Should be between 250 – 300 words
D. Maximum of five key words, arranged in the alphabetical order, below the abstract

2) Body of the text

A. Should include an introduction, body and conclusion
B. Titles and paragraphs should not be indented
C. Reference style: APA

3) General Format

A. MS Word 2016 or above
B. Page numbering: bottom, right, in Arabic numerals
C. Font: Times New Roman Size 12 / Justified
D. Subtopics: Times New Roman Size 12,boldfaced, left aligned
E. Language: English
F. Title page should include:

(a) title (less than 50 characters). Bold faced, font size 14
(b) name/s and affiliation/s of author/s.
(c) e-mail address and contact numbers of the corresponding author/s.
NOTE: Identify the corresponding author by placing an asterisk after the name.

4) Format for typesetting

A. Paper size: A4 (210 X 297 mm)
B. Margins: Top, bottom and right margins of 25 mm and a left margin of 30 mm
C. Line spacing: 1.5 (18 points) throughout the text
D. Length of the manuscript including text, tables, figures and references should not exceed 15 typed pages.

5) Tables and figures

A. Should be included within the text
B. Tables should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals. The titles should be self-explanatory. Figures should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numbers and be accompanied by a self-explanatory caption, left aligned. Titles of both Tables and figures should be of not more than 10 words.
C. Illustrations, line drawings and photographs, if any, should be clear, properly numbered and captioned and ready for reproduction (editable format).
D. All lettering, graph lines, and points on graphs should be sufficiently large to permit reproduction.
E. Lines of maps, artwork, and illustrations should be of appropriate thickness. Please note that thin lines do not reproduce well.

6) Acknowledgements

1. Based on necessity (Less than 100 words)

7) Acronyms and abbreviations:

All acronyms/ abbreviations should be written in full at the first appearance.